Week 4 – Blocking mental distractions

Week 4 – Blocking mental distractions

This week, concentration, attention skills and the ability to let go of worry, kneading, etc. are trained.

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Your tool week 4 – This week is about training your concentration and excluding distractions.

The analytical mind (the critical mind) is the part of the mind you consciously use and are aware of. It’s a function of the thinking neocortex – the seat of your conscious awareness; that thinks, observes, resolves problems, compares, judges, examines, rationalizes and reflects. If you are living in stress, the chemicals pumping into your system tend to drive the whole analytical process faster. Analyzing even more, trying to predict future outcomes so you can protect worst-case scenarios. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course. It serves you well, but the analytical mind works best when we’re calm, relaxed and focused. This is when it’s working for us instead of against us.

Think of the analytical mind as a separate part of the conscious mind that divides it from the subconscious mind. Since the greatest placebo effects works best when the analytical mind is silenced – this week is about reaching a deep focused state where you start blocking mental distractions by letting them go, in each moment, as they arise.

Your reflection day 4 – Reflect on how your old patterns and autopilot are suppressing your highest potential.

What is your first thought and first action when you wake up? From now on- use your daily affirmation and power position, before you`re heading to your coffee machine and cellphone. Notice what happens with the quality of your day when you set a clear intention.

Your experience depends on what you decide to experience when you wake up every morning.

Of course, multiple misfortunes that take place one after the other can leave us feeling vulnerable and intensely stressed. But bad days can only have a long-term negative effect on us if we let them. It is better to ask yourself what you can learn from these kinds of days. The state of your bad day may be an indicator that you need to stay in and hibernate or let go of your growing negativity.

Bad days contribute to our growth. Though we may feel discouraged, a bad day can teach us patience and perseverance.